Field Trips
Inspire your students with the story of Will Rogers. Our museum offers free and low-cost field trip options.
Basic FREE Field Trip
Students will experience a short presentation by our Will Roger’s Interpreter in our theatre
Play 19th Century Games (i.e. Sack races, Game of Graces, Hopscotch)
Classes of 10 or more students are FREE
Teachers, bus drivers and teacher's aides are FREE
Chaperones are $4
We have a scavenger hunt for your students to help them learn a little more about Will Rogers and keep them engaged as they tour the museum. Download a copy of the scavenger hunt to print and bring with you! Or we can provide copies for you.
You can bring a lunch for your class and eat on the back porch overlooking Claremore
We have a kids area with toys, games and interactive activities
Our gift shop is a great spot for souvenirs
Plenty of parking for buses
Upgraded Field Trip
Make your class’s experience even more memorable. You can add hands-on games and activities. All activities are $1 per student unless specified.
K-5th Grade Activities to choose from:
Brand Making
Corn Grinding
Trick Roping (Free)
19th Century Games (Free)
For small groups (20 or less):
Rope Making
Candle Making
Butter Churning
6th-12th Grade Activities to choose from:
Inspired Artist—Charles Banks Wilson (Free)
When young artist Charles Banks Wilson met his hero Will Rogers, this chance meeting would change his life forever. Wilson sketched Will Rogers used this sketch as inspiration for a painting he made at age 15. This painting currently sits in the Smithsonian Museum and was his first of many paintings throughout his career that featured Will Rogers. Learn, sketch, and "draw" inspiration from this true story of how Will Rogers inspired artist Charles Banks Wilson.
Music and Dance of the Jazz Age (Free)
Jazz music is as totally American as baseball, apple pie... and Will Rogers. We will introduce students to several popular songs from the jazz age (during Will's life), then demonstrate and teach some basic dance steps.
Origins of Moviemaking—Silent Films (Free)
Will Rogers made 50 silent films (or "pictures" as movies were called then), including "The Headless Horseman". We have one of the original scripts from this 1922 classic. Students will learn about silent films, watch a clip from the movie, then act out the scene...SILENTLY
Physics of Roping (Free)
This new engaging STEAM Program gives students the opportunity to learn about the science behind the skill that made Will Rogers famous. Using the scientific method, kids will learn the many variables that go into a good rope trick. This activity is highly engaging, fun, as well as educational.
Feel free to email us for more details!

If your class cannot visit the Memorial Museum, we can come to you! Check out our Will Rogers in the Classroom offerings.